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XEO is a class 4 medical divice found in all dermatology  and plastics offices accross the country
Laser Genesis is scientifically proven to produce new collagen, for the treatment of fine wrinkles, redness and scars.
Laser Genesis

Ready to Experience the Power of Light?

The Laser Genesis procedure utilizes non-invasive laser technology to safely, naturally and effectively treat fine line wrinkles, diffuse redness and scars.

Did you know Laser Genesis can reduce oil secretion by 50%....The First Visit! 

You can expect to see consistent results after each treatment. Treatments can be performed in a relaxed, comfortable manner without the use of topical anesthetics or gel.

Who is this treatment for? Anyone and Everyone!

Client receiving laser genesis at Foxy Face Studio
Timeless Beauty. Effortless Confidence. Laser Facials
- Customized For Your Skin -
xeo® laser genesis stimulates the skin’s natural renewal process to improve overall skin quality, resulting in a radiant, more youthful complexion. During the procedure, gentle micro-pulses of laser energy are sent to the skin to activate collagen remodeling to give your skin its smooth, radiant complexion

Here's what Laser Genesis can do for you:

Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

Minimize redness, uneven skin tone and pore size 

Visible improvement in acne-prone skin 

Reduces oil secretion by 50% 

The treatment itself is a dream. Gentle and comfortable, with zero downtime, Laser Genesis allows you to walk out of the studio and straight back into your vibrant life – only now, your skin will be positively glowing.
xeo® IPL, or Intense Pulsed Light, is your one-stop shop for tackling a wide range of skin concerns. IPL treatments are tailored to your individual needs, delivering noticeable results over a series of sessions.

This powerful yet customizable system utilizes various light wavelengths to target specific issues, like:

Uneven skin tone and hyperpigmentation

Visible signs of aging like wrinkles and fine lines 

Unwanted redness and vascular blemishes

Cutera's LimeLight takes IPL to the next level. This non-invasive treatment can be customized for different skin tones and aging concerns, resulting in exceptional skin revitalization with minimal discomfort. It goes beyond just treating sun damage – LimeLight also balances color and improves your overall complexion.

Todays Most Common Nonsurgical Aesthetic Concerns


Inflammatory active acne
Acne Scars
Scar reduction
Facial veins
Leg veins
Periorbital veins
Age spots

Enlarged Pores

Venous lakes

Treatment Options

Laser Genesis

LimeLight IPL

Frequently Asked Questions:
Brain still buzzing with questions?  Send us an email at or call 

How does Laser Genesis work?

By gently heating the upper dermis well below your skin’s surface, Laser Genesis improves the appearance of wrinkles through collagen stimulation. Additional heat is generated in dilated capillaries to reduce redness

What does the procedure feel like?

Patients often describe the treatment as relaxing and therapeutic. You will experience a gentle warming of your skin’s surface during the procedure. You can immediately return to normal activities, utilizing sunscreen if participating in outdoor activities

How many treatments will I need?

On average, you may require four to six treatments in order to achieve optimal results. Every patient’s condition and needs vary

What are the possible side effects?

Although most patients report few if any side effects, the most common is a slight redness that disappears within a few hours of treatment

What can I expect before the treatment?

You will not need gel, anesthetic cream or ice prior to treatment. Before the actual Laser Genesis treatment, you will be asked to remove your make-up or moisturizers
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